Teaching is considered to be one of the noble professions. In the education system, “Teaching” is one of the professions, which bears most of the responsibilities, and without Teachers, schools will be incomplete.
A teacher’s job is not only limited to teaching but also maintaining a disciplined environment in the classroom, mentoring students to do good academically and professionally in the future, and acting as a role model for all students out there.
According to winginstitute.org report, it’s been found that when teacher regularly collects performance data by observing closely every student and giving them feedback according to it, enhanced the learning capability of every student.

Source: winginstitute.org
With proper leadership cooperation and support from the teachers not only students' careers will flourish but the school will also run successfully.
If you want to become a successful teacher or a school leader you want to mentor teachers to become the best version of them and run the school smoothly then we recommend our educational administration and management program which will help you to achieve your goals.
Now let’s get to know everything about teacher roles and their importance in the educational department sector:
Importance of Teachers in School:
The importance of teachers is not limited to teaching lessons it is beyond that.
- Teachers’ first responsibility or priority is that each and every student should excel in their academic career and other extracurricular activities as well.
- One of the roles of teachers is also to motivate or inspire their students to achieve greater feats not just in careers but in life as well.
- Teachers also need to understand every student’s strengths and weaknesses to guide them better.
- If any students face any problems in their academics or any other issue, it’s the teacher's responsibility to solve them because the teacher is like a parental figure in the external world and plays a vital role in student's life to shape their careers and life.
Roles of a Teacher in a School:
To run a school successfully requires a lot of Leadership cooperation and support from the teachers. If school leaders give full support to the teacher's faculty then they can fulfil their teaching role properly and brings out the best in every student, which will ultimately create a good impression of the school.
Let's get to know some of the important roles that teachers play in school and in student's life:
1. Sharing their knowledge:
A teacher’s prime and foremost responsibility is to teach students lessons according to the curriculum, which differs in every state, and share their knowledge as much as they can.
It’s the teacher's responsibility to look out that whatever they have to the whole class if they have understood it properly or not.
In addition, the whole idea of educators comes from the profession of teaching and their responsibility is just not to teach but make the lesson easier and more engaging to students, which makes them understand the taught lessons.
2. Make students participate in class:
One of the important and neglected roles of a teacher is they must encourage each and every student to participate actively in class.
Once students are comfortable participating in class then it creates a positive and comfortable environment for the students.
They can freely ask any doubts they have if they don’t understand anything.
3. Make lessons easy to learn:
Every student is different and special. Therefore, it’s quite obvious that their learning method will also differ. As a teacher, it’s their responsibility to find out a way to teach lessons in a fun and interactive way with real-life examples so that every student feels engaged in the class and understands it completely.
4. Become a role model:
Teachers may or may not realize that they are the role model figure in the eyes of every student. Because after parents, the teacher is the only person which student looks after and learn from them.
Therefore, as a teacher it’s your responsibility to support them, motivate them, and guide them to achieve the best in life.
In addition, you must watch how you behave in front of the whole class, because they are learning from you by observing your actions.
5. Be a career counsellor:
The idea of career counselling in a country like India is still not being in use very much. This results in choosing the wrong career choices, which ultimately influences the employment rate.
As a teacher, you should guide your students to take the right career choices, which will help them to become successful not just academically but professionally as well.
Final Thoughts
Teaching is a profession that comes with lots of responsibilities. They have the responsibility to change the lives of students, nurture them, and inspire them so that they can get successful not just in academics but in life as well. In addition, if are an aspiring teacher or even an experienced teacher we recommend our best educational administration and management program which will help you to become a better teacher.
Your role as a teacher is not just to teach lessons but it’s more than that!
Written By : Abhishek