Teachers are one of the most important members of every school whose impact can not only change the course of student’s life but also help to take the school to the next level. It’s every school leader's responsibility to manage their teacher effectively and give time-to-time lesson feedback in a supportive and professional manner to their teachers which assures that they get the opportunity for growth and development.

According to edweek.org survey, we can witness that every teacher who has participated in this survey mentions that their teaching or instruction method improved after receiving constant feedback from various sources like- school leaders, parents, students, etc.

Learning feedback
Source: edweek.org

Now we have seen how important learning feedback holds for every teacher's professional growth and development. Now, let’s explore some of the best ways of giving learning feedback to your teachers which is beneficial for their professional growth and school growth at the same time.

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So, without any further delay, let’s get started.

Effective Tips To Give Lesson Feedback to Teachers

1. Be Precise and Direct

The best way to give feedback to teachers should be instant, precise, and direct. It may lose it impact if it’s not given instantly after some observation. For example- if a teacher makes a slight mistake then you must instantly give feedback regarding that so that they can work on it better.

Similarly, if a teacher has tried something new in their teaching method and it brings fruitful results then also you must give instant recognition, which will make them a valued member of a school.

Clear and instant feedback will help teachers to make the necessary adjustments in their teaching method and improve their teaching skills further.

2. Choose the Right Time and Place For Providing Feedback

Sometimes giving feedback can be awkward for both the teacher and for the principal observing that teacher. For this reason, selecting an appropriate and comfortable environment for conducting a feedback conversation is very important.

You can consider teacher’s references where they feel at ease to listen to all the feedback you have. Confidential discussions should be held privately in unobtrusive places. So, putting up a ‘Do not disturb’ sign on a closed door will help to ensure privacy. By doing this you can create an atmosphere where you can give honest feedback to teachers where they can feel comfortable.

3. Ask The Right Question

As you give feedback, remember to avoid certain questions that cause anxiety or bias. Rather than asking, “How do you think your teaching went?” which might be intimidating. Instead, ask open-minded questions that encourage deep discussion and self-reflection for the teacher.

For example, you can ask, “What plan do you have in your mind for the future lesson sequence? By asking open-ended questions, you will give the comfort and freedom to teachers to express themselves freely without the fear of being judged.

4. Utilize a Feedback Framework

Prior to conducting any feedback session, it is important to first have an organized feedback framework to lead the discussion towards the right path and to address critical elements of lessons. The majority of school leaders have set up feedback templates in their schools. In case you don’t have any in your school, then you can start using them.

A feedback template gives a clear structure to follow in which both the observer and the teacher can concentrate on specific areas where there is room for betterment. Moreover, it is a way through which ensures consistency during observations for school leader, thus developing a common understanding of expectations among them and teacher.

5. Establish Clear Time Frames

When providing feedback, it is essential to establish clear time-frames for implementation and follow-up. If a teacher wants you to observe a specific aspect of their teaching, decide to return and provide feedback on that particular element.

Additionally, if you have suggested improvements or strategies, give the teacher sufficient time to implement them in the classroom. It is also important to communicate the schedule for future observations and clarify what aspects will be observed. Clear time frames promote accountability and allow for ongoing support and development.

Time-to-Time Lesson Feedback is Necessary For Teacher’s Professional Growth

Teachers have many responsibilities on their shoulder to fulfill and to stay relevant in this current competitive market they need to keep evolving their teaching skills. Those school leaders or admin who have pursued courses like Master Trainer Program know to help teachers in their professional growth and development by giving timely lesson feedback.

In the above-mentioned blog post, we have shared multiple tips for giving lesson feedback time-to-time, which not only helps the teacher to grow professionally but ultimately results in the growth of the school. So, start striving to create a culture of feedback that celebrates achievements, encourages reflection, and ultimately enhances student learning.

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Written By : Abhishek